Толерантность как системообразующая ценность бытия современного поликультурного общества


The article is devoted to the problem of tolerance as a moral and spiritual category reflecting actual need of the modern multicultural society. The authors note that trying to find the sense of tolerance in the categories of lenience, indifference, indulgence that are widely presented in the scientific discourse, does not touch the ground of the modern sociocultural situation and its translation as «patience» does not reflect the content of the present concept. Tolerance is interpreted by the authors not as passive unnatural submission to opinions, views, faith of others, it is more exactly an active moral position for the positive interaction with people of other culture, other national and confessional surroundings consisting in respect and acceptance of equality with others and refusal to dominance and violence. It is noted that consolidation and safeguarding of Russian society with all its variety depends to a large extend on the formation of positive tolerance.


UDK: УДК 304
page. 176-181
Tsoraev Zaur Umarovich, Byazrova Juliette Baronovna


The article is devoted to the problem of tolerance as a moral and spiritual category reflecting actual need of the modern multicultural society. The authors note that trying to find the sense of tolerance in the categories of lenience, indifference, indulgence that are widely presented in the scientific discourse, does not touch the ground of the modern sociocultural situation and its translation as «patience» does not reflect the content of the present concept. Tolerance is interpreted by the authors not as passive unnatural submission to opinions, views, faith of others, it is more exactly an active moral position for the positive interaction with people of other culture, other national and confessional surroundings consisting in respect and acceptance of equality with others and refusal to dominance and violence. It is noted that consolidation and safeguarding of Russian society with all its variety depends to a large extend on the formation of positive tolerance.
