Инвестиционные стратегии суверенных фондов: анализ структуры управления


The work presents the analysis of management structure and organization of SWFs’ in-vestments strategies in different states. It is described, how the investment portfolio is set up, what the key risks are related to the SWF’s assets management, as well as the most common and actual financial instruments.

Investment Strategies of Sovereign Wealth Funds of National States: Management Structure Analysis

UDK: 336.13
page. 184-194
Ibraev Ruslan Haydarovich


The work presents the analysis of management structure and organization of SWFs’ in-vestments strategies in different states. It is described, how the investment portfolio is set up, what the key risks are related to the SWF’s assets management, as well as the most common and actual financial instruments.
